
I’ve Been Busy….

           I have been busy. Really busy. I have been so busy that I have not been able to post since November last year. This is what has been taking up all a girl’s time:

            My law partner and I bought a building! Okay, it’s not like a real “building” but it’s a little ranch house that we are converting to a little boutique office for our law firm. We are so excited and feel a little crazy for taking such a leap! I know, I know, big deal. Lawyers buying their business space. But for us, it is a big deal. Our little ranch house that we want to call home needs some work. She has great bones but needs some loving to make her a home for our law practice.

            So, in these next months, you will see on “The Better Practice” blog our journey from a little residential brick ranch house to a renovated commercial “country lawyer” law office. I will share with you all the ups and downs of taking a residential property and converting it to a light commercial one where two kick ass female lawyers (of course…us) will soon continue in the practice of law…which we love.

            Okay, are you all with us? Projects like these always seem to go so much more smoothly when you have people rooting for you. Hopefully, you all will root for us as we sojourn through the world of renovation while still working hard at the practice. Hope you enjoy and wish us luck!

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