* I am still playing catch up this week. Call it the natural recovery of the trial attorney. As I run from trial to trial where I feel like
Read More* I was in a lengthy jury trial a couple of weeks ago that took up a week and a half to try (of course this did NOT
Read More* I, like most of America it seems, have become hooked on listening to the podcast entitled “The Murdaugh Murders” written and hosted, in most part, by journalist
Read More* My trial ate me. That is why I have been MIA for the last two weeks. My apologies everyone. Work called. And oh boy did it! Trials are
Read MoreI have been very contemplative of the life span of the American attorney this week. This is for two reasons: 1) I turned 44 and 2) A friend
Read MoreI and my law partner were brainstorming. Over lunch, I was talking to her about contacting the North Carolina Lawyer’s Assistance Program to find out what
Read More* Before I became an attorney, I would watch movies depicting attorneys. Some of them totally outrageous and foolish, and some of them riveting and noteworthy. But in
Read More* When lawyers are in trial, it is nearly impossible to not feel the stress of the practice. No matter how old of a hat you are at
Read MoreThis week’s post has caught me in the middle of trial preparations for an upcoming case. I have been preparing for weeks, but of course as I get down
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