
I have written about one’s secured leave emphasizing that it is absolutely vital that we as attorneys guard our secured leave fiercely (see “Guard Your Leave w/ Your Life…Seriously, April 9, 2022). Now that we have been well versed in the rules regarding secured leave, how do we truly achieve being “away” when we are on our secured leave?
So often, when I take secured leave, this sacred time away from my work, it takes a few days to “come down” from the highly charged feeling that is being a trial attorney. I have to make a concerted effort to not think about work and what tasks I have left behind. This can be especially difficult when, despite your best efforts, your work is not at as much of a “stopping point” as you would like it to be. Don’t you find that the minute you step away and activate your email away message, something will come through beckoning you back to your desk despite the protection of your leave. People….don’t take the bait! The work will always be there. Always. Unless it is a true emergency (someone has gotten arrested, the “Federales” are knocking at your door, someone is dead, or someone is in the hospital or on their way there) don’t respond. This is not necessarily just for you to be able to start the process of stepping away from the work. This is really to get the professionals in your working life to strictly honor your boundaries with your secured leave. People need to respect that you have time away and that you are not only taking that time but you are entitled to that time; uninterrupted.
So, once you have gotten people to understand that you are away, how do you truly be away? I was discussing this with one of my travel mates on my most recent secured leave period. They too were a busy professional who was trying to “come down” from the hustle and bustle of their working life, trying to fully enjoy their vacation time away. I found myself pondering this as I was trying to “come down” from the hectic pace of my professional practice. I think what I tried to do to dial things back for myself was trying to practice my compartmentalization skills. I know I need to think about this issue, but I don’t have to do it right now. I can do it later. Let’s put this issue in a box and push it to the back corner of your mind. You know it’s still there, but you can access the box later. This seems almost fanatical when I write it, but I find it necessary to proactively be away from the profession. When I am on secured leave I don’t have to be an attorney all the time. I can take a break from that. Yes, it is impossible to get rid of the analytical skills that I have honed over the years, but who in the hell says I have to utilize them in a legal capacity when I am away? So, what are some other ways to try to truly be away when you are away? I am always open to suggestion. Until next time!