
Family and the Lawyer

                 This week’s post is a short one, because I have been called away to deal with some family affairs. In dealing with these affairs, I started to think about how much my profession as an attorney becomes so vital during these times. Isn’t it interesting how much our work and profession are relevant during times of family crisis and/or business? How do we tend to handle this as attorneys? I mean, am I right? Regardless of what is going on or what issue the family is facing, isn’t the attorney (or attorneys) of the family always included for guidance and education on what next steps can be taken? And isn’t this always the case regardless of what the issue is? Because isn’t there ALWAYS a legal question that needs to be answered? And if we are tasked with “working” even in those times that we may be trying to deal with whatever is going on in the family, do we ever have the opportunity to NOT be the lawyer for once? Or do we thrust that moniker upon ourselves? Can we ever really turn it off?  I guess I shall see….

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