Sanity Savior #2—The Sequel

So, this week’s post will be a very short one. It is a continuation of my last Sanity Savior Post regarding needing a cat in my life. Well, after I posted that post, I still longed for a cat in my life and hoped and hoped that one would just walk into my life. Low and behold, it happened.
I was telling my law partner at lunch about my most recent Sanity Savior post. And, my law partner being a very big cat person herself, her eyes became open to opportunities for me to get a cat into my life. No sooner did we make it back to the office that she encountered a post on Facebook® posted by one of our mutual colleagues. They were advertising the need to find a home for four little kittens that were abandoned near their home. Was this kismet? I mean, I had actually JUST happened to call this colleague to get their advice on something law related and did not know that they had kittens….for free!! So, of course I called them immediately and exclaimed “You have kittens?!!!” By the close of business that day, we had made plans for me to come and visit to pick up two of the kittens.
Aren’t they absolutely fabulous?? Our at best average intelligence dog is totally overwhelmed with joy and clearly looking forward to the prospect of playing with the kittens without them first hissing at him (it’s a process). They have only been here a week and they have already brightened my mood. It is an especially great treat to see my son get such a kick out of them. He absolutely adores them, as do I. Ask and you shall receive? I believe so.
Let’s take a breath and be thankful for those little joys that walk into our lives unexpectedly. Whether it is a welcome dismissal from a particular hardnosed Assistant District Attorney or…kittens. I will take my joy and stress relievers (productive) wherever I can get ‘em.
I know I am partial, but I think you too need a cat in your life. What could it hurt? *
* (Disclaimer: If you are terribly allergic, this is ill advised. Please pay attention to the advice of your allergist.)