
Shhhhhh!!!!I Am Not Really Here….

              I am on secured leave. Right now…I am on secured leave. Am I working right now? Nahhh….I am not working! My blog is not work to me. It is a joy. However, I need to make sure that I do not work during my secured leave. We have talked about this before, everyone…

             Unfortunately, though, I had to break my own rules about not working on my secured leave when the Court, due to the recent hurricane (or luckily NON hurricane), rescheduled a case in which I was involved for a time during my secured leave. It was scheduled the morning my leave was to start, so I made a concession. The Court was more than accommodating in my making a motion to continue and I was allowed to get out of there pretty darn quickly.

               But I found myself still working on my first day of secured leave just trying to get things to a stopping point in preparation for my time away from the office. I was tip-toeing around my office, trying to be invisible. I am not really hear people! Don’t transfer that call to me please!

             I know I have blogged about this topic, but my current particular secured leave is very much different from my previous stints away from the office. This secured leave, I have to devote to family business as opposed to leisure time away from my work. It is because of this very important responsibility that I write this week again about the importance of guarding your secured leave with vigilance. We as practitioners must, I repeat, must draw those lines in the sand when it comes to our time away. While we love our work, our work can swallow us whole and demand more if we are not too careful.

So, people…I am not really here. Really.

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