
The Before…ALL of it….

           This upcoming week is a special one. Demolition and utility work will begin at our little project. While the work permit for the sexy work is in process, we are allowed to start demolition and the work necessary to tie into municipal water and sewer services. And what a journey it has already been. Taking on a project like this seems like it would be straight forward. Knock down a few walls, put in a few lights and voila! Here you go! Your brand new office. Silly readers! Tricks are for kids! Renovations may seem straight forward, but the intricacies converting a property from one use to another takes some legal gymnastics. Good thing I know a good lawyer (enter my law partner)! It is in instances like this that me and my partner’s legal training is absolutely invaluable. Let me break this down:

           We bought our little legal abode with starry eyes and a vision. However, like the eggshell skull rule of civil practice and litigation, we had to take our property as we found her. And we found her with good bones, but in need of some supplements. Her water source didn’t come from the city water system nor a well as is usually seen in rural properties. No, dear readers, our water source was a spring. Wait…what? Like a spring that bubbles from the earth? Yes. A spring. Needless to say, while it sounds idyllic, not so sanitary or safe. No need to get any water borne diseases!

               So, we needed to shop for a new water source. Luckily, the local municipal water system was available to us. But was it? That is when we realized that our little legal abode was not within the local municipal city limits. So, if you’re not in the city, then no water for you! What to do? Well, then join the damn city then! This is where knowing how to read legal documents comes in handy. We had to get annexed to the local city in order to partake of their juicy water (and sewer, by the way) among other wonderful benefits of living within city limits. Annexation, here we come! We were very lucky because the city to which we were begging to join was all too happy to welcome us. It was a process that took about six months. But it was all well worth it as we not only get to tap into water and sewer services but get to be bonafide residents of a community.

                But that was just the FIRST part of the water and sewer journey. Now, our little legal abode sits on a cute little country road. When we toodle down roads either on foot or in a car, do we ever truly know who OWNS the road? Don’t we just assume the city or town in which we are owns the road upon which we are traversing? Oh no. Let me educate you. Roads are very territorial and jurisdictional. While a road or a lane may seem clearly situated in one locale, that doesn’t mean that that locale actually is responsible for that road. Enter the road we are on. While we hustled to be a part of the local city/town, the road on which we were situated belonged to the State of North Carolina. So, the water we need to get is across the street. How do we get to it? Enter what is called an encroachment agreement. What? To cross the road, we need an Encroachment Agreement with the North Carolina State Department of Transportation. So, we have to get the attention of the State of North Carolina and ask if we can cross its road to get water to drink? Got it. What??? Again, that little law degree and license come in handy. Like dutiful and law-abiding lawyers, we read what we needed to, asked questions, and entered into an encroachment agreement with the State. Now, can we sip some water, please?? Not so fast, my pretties! Now work really begins.

            So, we are looking forward to this utility work with great enthusiasm. We have been lucky to have an awesome utilities contractor who has helped us understand the technicalities of all of this along the way. As that work goes on outside, demolition will go on inside. I never knew one needed a permit to start demolition, but you do. Luckily for us, we encountered some really nice and patient people in that municipal department, so we have our demolition permit and we are ready to go!

            We are so excited to start seeing the property’s differences and transformation. Here come the before pictures, everyone! See you soon!

Entry Way/Reception



Kitchenette/Workroom/Conference Room

Porch/New Bathroom

Office #1

Office #2

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