Treat ‘Cho Self

I think there is this misnomer from non-lawyers that every day for an attorney is Christmas. People have long thought that a law license was a license to steal, and that attorneys displayed their ill-gotten largesse in audacious and inappropriate ways. I am not so sure about that. While some corrupt and cocaine-cowboy counselors roll like it’s the roaring eighties and Scarface is a periodic client, most of us work hard for our high hourly wage. And when we experience success for our clients, deserve to do something for ourselves in gratitude. The practice, the work, and the mental and emotional strain that the work carries for the working attorney totes a premium that is justified (I have come to realize and accept).
I have a colleague of mine that is currently on a far-off exotic isle taking their secured leave with their family. When they told me of their trip, I was so happy for them as I felt strongly that they darn well deserved such an extravagant and restful trip. This lawyer is one of the hardest working attorneys I know. They literally work seven days a week and are always available by phone. I noticed that while hardworking, they take their vacations, and usually go big when they do. I am glad. They clearly endorse the adage…treat ‘cho self.
I find myself psychologically torn about this prospect. Yes, I work very hard. Everyday. There isn’t a day that I return from work tired and mentally exhausted from the practice. So, when I experience a positive event in my work, whether it is a hard-fought trial or an arduously reached settlement, should I NOT feel ashamed if I am inspired to treat myself? Whether it’s to a much-deserved pasta dinner or a planned trip abroad? Or is the practice treat enough and we hardworking attorneys NOT supposed to reward ourselves from time to time with the fruits of our labor? I actually don’t think so. But then, why is it that I feel guilty when I do decide to treat myself after a personal victory? Isn’t this one of the reasons why I worked so hard and continue to work so hard at the practice?
I recently settled a very challenging case that tested not only my legal skills but also my personal fortitude. I took the necessary chances with this particular case. My instincts ultimately paid off and my client was happy with the result. So, I decided to reward myself with something that I had been wanting for quite some time. I am getting used to this prospect as this is the first time, I pointedly decided to reward myself as a result of a success in the practice.
Maybe I am alone in this feeling. But, I do think in order for us to stay healthy in the practice, we have to acknowledge those successes we do experience with some nod to the work we expended. Whether that is with buying ourselves a little trinket, doing some community service, or taking a few days off, we need to treat ourselves when the occasion arises. Doing this will remind us of our hard work and our commitment to the practice. So, treat ‘cho self!
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